Monday, February 28, 2011

Fear Factor and Surviver

we had a fear factor/surviver activity for mutual! it was fun!! i didn't do any of the fear factor stuff but our team won the tug-a-war contest!!
  playing dodge ball!

cheila playing fear factor...eating..uh i have no clue haha


i have a weird ward...but i love them!! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Colton said a weird way!

here is what colton did to cheilas room!! to say yes!

I bet she had fun cleaning that up!

Cheila's Bed!

this is cheilas mirror!
Cheila's Closet

it was actually easy to clean up! believe it or not! :)

Forever and Always

so right now i am talking to maddie, on the phone! maddie is my most best friend in the hole wide world! i love her so freaking much. she is like a sister to me! i think we will be friends for ever and always! i am so very thankful that she is my friend! i love love LOVE LOVE her so much! i will always have her back and i will sick with her though whatever! if some one is mean to her i will beat them up because she doesn't deserve any one to be mean to her! she is such a sweet person and i love her so much! thank you maddie for being my most best friend of all time!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines day sucks, but.....

so i think that valentines day is stupid!! because its a day all for expressing your love, shouldn't you do that every day?? i also hate it because i have no one to share it with, no special some one, now man, no nothing :( and that is why i HATE valentines day. but at least i get to spend it with some one that i do love, very much, some one who is amazing. sometimes we fight but i still love this person very much and i don't know what i would do with out this person...well yes i do...i would be an only child! its my sister, i am thankful that i get to spend valentines day with the one person that knows who i am truly, who knows every single one of my secrets, and the one person who really knows who i am and still loves me no matter what! i love you cheila and im glad that i can spend valentines day with you!! :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Maddie, Kaylie, and Hunter!!

i just got finished hanging out with Maddie and Kaylie! they are so so so much fun! we made cup cake cookies(they didn't work out very well) i wish we would have taken pictures but apparently they don't like having there picture taken! we read our script then played on the computer! i had so so so much fun with them and i love them so so so much! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Beginnings

Here are some pics of the young womens!

     this is the theam of our new beginnings
 this is me and my friend carissa
 one of the tables settings at new beginnings
this is out young womens leader(the one standing), she is amazing and super fun!

 shaylee and Brianna having an eating contest with pudding
they look like they had fun..i think Brianna won but im not sure